How To Deal With Low Water Pressure

Apricus Hot Water System

You could be standing in the shower, when suddenly the water pressure drops. It can be an absolutely horrible issue and you could end up paying big money for water pumps or expensive water heater repairs that will only be temporary. Low water pressure is a common nuisance for many homeowners. Inadequate water pressure can cause many issues withing your daily life by making it difficult to do things like washing the dishes or taking a quick shower before running out the door in the morning.

Do you experience low water pressure in your home even though the pipes are new? Contact us now, and we’ll send one of our experts right on over! There are several possible causes, but we can find the issue and install a water pressure booster at the water meter if nothing else works. The first step in dealing with low water pressure is determining if you have a problem. The simplest way to test your water pressure is to use a gauge. We can handle this whole process easily and affordably to help get your water pressure back to what it should be.

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Step 1: Test the Water Pressure

  • Attach the pressure gauge to an outside water spigot.
  • Turn on the water.
  • Read the instant reading.
  • A reading of 45 to 55 psi is ideal.

If the reading is lower than 25 psi or above 80, you can be certain that you are dealing with water pressure problems and need to correct them.

Step 2: Check your Pressure Reducing Valve

  • If your home was built before 1980, there might be a pressure reducing valve outside the water meter.
  • These valves have gauges on them, and they should be set to 50 psi.
  • If the valve gauge is set higher than 50 psi, adjust it down.

If the gauge is not working or you cannot see it or do not have one, Get in touch with us at 1800 633 920 for free to find and/or replace the valve for you.

Step 3: Adjust your PRV

  • Depending on their make, you can adjust pressure-reducing valves either with a screw-on top or using a screwdriver to reduce the water pressure.
  • To stop surging and protect your plumbing, set your PRV for no more than 60 psi. On older systems, that’s typically the maximum you can go to without risking damage to your pipes and fixtures.

Give us a call today and we can take care of all of these steps for you to save your time and any risk of further damage.

Do your toilet and sinks take forever to fill up, or do you have to wait an extra-long time in the shower in the morning? There is an easy fix to your lack of water pressure. When you call Anytime Hot Water, we will replace your full piping and valves, repair faulty pipes, or restore your flow as necessary. By hiring our team, you can rest assured that we will do a great job and won’t overcharge you for our work. Check out our prices. Most homes experience low water pressure at some point. It can be caused by various factors, including sediment buildup in the pipes, faulty valves or a clogged aerator.

Fortunately, there are many ways to deal with low water pressure. We’ve listed below some of our favourite tips for coping with low water pressure – without spending a fortune or doing a complete overhaul. 

The following are just some of the hot water systems we have available. If you are looking for a specific system not listed below, call us today and speak with an expert.

  1. Check Your Main Water Supply Valve and if your main water shutoff valve is open, check your water supply valve located outside next to your meter box. This valve reduces the incoming water pressure and sends this reduced pressure into your homes’ plumbing system. If this valve is partially opened (no more than 1/4 turn), close it until it stops and then slowly open it back up until you feel a strong stream of water coming through the valve.
  2. Check beneath sinks for items that might cause the drain to become jammed or blocked. Clean out these items and check the sink drain. Clear the drain further by using a snake or auger to remove any additional blockages and check that all taps are open and that no valves are closed, as they can cause your water pressure to drop if they’re off.
  3. Be sure that all your bathroom fixtures, including your shower head and handheld showerhead, are installed correctly onto their respective hoses and work properly. This will improve the water pressure throughout your home.
  4. Check for leaks around pipes under sinks by looking for moisture signs on the floor. If you find any leaks, you may need to replace your pipes or contact a plumber for assistance in repairing them.

Are you dealing with your low water pressure? Call Anytime Hot Water specialists 1800 633 920 to fix your problem today and book our services! Don’t let low water pressure get the best of you. Let us help you solve the problem! Call Anytime Hot Water Specialists today for a Free Quote!

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