
Plumbing Emergency Tips & Advice

If you have a plumbing emergency Anytime Hot Water is the business to call.

What to do if you have a plumbing emergency

Plumbing emergencies happen all the time. Recently a team member at Anytime Hot Water took a phone call from a frantic lady.

During the call you could pick up a lot of background noise and our team member could hear water hitting the floor.

Our team member said to the lady on the phone, “Do you know how to shut off your water mains?” she said, “Well you know, I really don’t know how to do it.”

So our team member walked her through how to shut off her water mains.

Best plumbing emergency advice

So if there is one piece of advice we would give to households, is when the water is hitting the floor, it’s panic mode and you’re not thinking, so know how to shut off your water main and make sure that everyone in the household knows.

Household must knows:-

  • listen to smoke detectors, evacuators
  • know how to shut off the water, (this is important because running water could cost you thousands of dollars in damage)

Handling leaky toilet situations always is the first and foremost thing that people encounter.

Especially ones that overflow, the water doesn’t stop, it just keeps on running and running and running, panic sets in. but, every toilet that we have ever seen, down near the floor, the left-hand side of the toilet, facing it, turn that valve to the right until it stops, right is tight, shuts off the water.

An overflowing toilet is a situation where you would probably need a professional emergency plumber immediately, so always keep that phone number on hand.

If you block up a drain, the key is not to run any more water down that drain.

If you have a main drain that’s plugged inside your house, for example, if a toilet is overflowing, you don’t want to run any more water down the drain, because it’s just going to basically make the situation even worse.

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